Court of Appeal costs awarded against Gemma O’Doherty and John Waters

The Court of Appeal has delivered its verdict on the question of costs in the Gemma O’Doherty & John Waters and The Minister for Health and Ireland and the Attorney General case concerning the constitutionality of measures introduced by the State to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic. O’Doherty and Waters lost their appeal to … Read more

Harassment, hassling and harmful communications-what are the crimes and legislation in Ireland?

There has been quite a lot of deserved focus lately on the use of social media in the hassling, bullying, harassing of others. A campaign was launched in the last few weeks by the victims of stalking to have it made a specific offence. It is unlikely to succeed as it is thought to be … Read more

Nervous shock award of €83,000 for worker’s later realisation of a ‘close shave’ overturned by Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal has overturned an award of €83,000 for an ESB employee who had suffered a psychological injury in the course of his work. The ESB technician had come across a medium voltage cable whilst repairing a streetlight. He claimed that he later realised that he had been close to a serious physical … Read more

Artist studio is held under a licence, not a residential tenancy-Residential Tenancies Board

There is a significant difference between a licence and a lease when it applies to property.  The fundamental difference is a licence is a permission to use a property, whereas a lease gives you a legal interest in the property. One of the situations where this distinction can be of enormous significance is where a … Read more

Compulsory vaccinations of children legal and ‘sometimes necessary’ in democratic society

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled by a majority of 16 to 1 that compulsory vaccinations for children are legal and sometimes “necessary in a democratic society”. This case commenced before the Covid-19 pandemic came into existence but is expected to embolden governments who are considering introducing vaccine certificates or passports to help … Read more