Category: Immigration Law

  • Visas in Irish immigration law

    What is a visa? A permission to travel to a State or land in it. It does not allow the visa holder to enter the State. When travelling to Ireland some nationals require a visa whilst others are exempt from the obligation. Visa applications are generally made to the Irish embassy or consulate in the…

  • Immigration law in Ireland-an introduction

    There are two types of migration to Ireland: There are many legal instruments relevant to both types of migration but Ireland is a dualist State. This means international agreements are only part of Irish law when the Oireachtas has legislated to give effect to any particular international agreement. Unincorporated international agreements have persuasive rather than…

  • Types of Immigration Stamps in Ireland

    The stamp that is put on your passport by an immigration officer will determine: What you can and cannot do in Ireland How long you can stay The amount of time you accumulate on a stamp is important when you apply for citizenship by naturalisation as it will indicate ‘reckonable service’ for the purpose of…

  • The Irish Immigration System-What You Need to Know

    Are you a non EU/EEA citizen and wish to stay in Ireland for longer than 90 days? Then you must apply for immigration permission. Before you travel, however, you should check whether you need a visa or not. You can check this on this page of the website of the Department of Justice and Equality.…

  • Residency In Ireland for Non EEA Nationals Under the Start Up Entrepreneur Programme

    The Start Up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP)  is run by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration service. It allows non-eea nationals and their families acquire residency status in Ireland once they commit to starting a business in Ireland. The non EEA National can apply for residency as an individual or can apply for themselves and their family.…