Banksy acted in bad faith in registering his trade mark says the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

Banksy, the British artist best known for his street art and political activism, has been found to have acted in bad faith in registering a trade mark of one of his best known works, The Flower Thrower. Banksy had registered the well known image as a trade mark with the European Union Intellectual Property Office … Read more

How Safe is Your New Idea from Theft? The Vital Components of Confidentiality/Non Disclosure Agreements

Can we be honest? Good ideas are hard to come by. They’re like hens’ teeth. Have you a good idea, but you’re afraid to discuss it for fear it will be robbed or copied? You’re well aware that you can register a trade mark or a patent, and you know you enjoy copyright protection for … Read more

Music Royalty Claims Against Retailers by Phonographic Performance Ireland (PPI) in Doubt

If you are a retailer, a recent District Court decision in a case brought by the Phonographic Performance Ireland (PPI) organisation against a retailer in Dublin will be of interest. The PPI is licensed to collect royalties for leading music labels such as Sony, Warner, EMI and it issues notices to retailers for collection of … Read more

Community Trade Mark (CTM) Benefits-Trade Mark Registration

A CTM (Community Trade Mark) is effective across all 27 states of the European Union. However as it has unitary effect, that is recognised in all 27 states, if your trade mark registration application fails in one state then your application for a CTM will fail. Benefit of a Community Trade Mark The big benefit … Read more