The Role, Duties, and Powers of an Executor in the Administration of Estates

An executor is the person appointed in a will to administer the estate of a deceased person. He/she is entitled to take out a grant of probate to the estate of the deceased. An administrator (administratix if female) extracts a grant in an intestate situation or in a testate situation where the executor has died. … Read more

Wills in Special Cases-Imminent Death, the Elderly and Mental Capacity

Wills drafted in cases of imminent death, for the elderly, or for someone about whom there is a doubt as to their mental capacity can be problematic. Imminent Death In cases where the testator is in a nursing home or hospital and is in danger of imminent death the following considerations need to be considered: … Read more

Making a Will in Ireland-6 Critical Reasons to Make a Will

Making a will in Ireland is a seemingly straightforward task. But it can go disastrously wrong and open up a can of worms for those left behind if not done properly. The requirements for a valid will in Ireland are set out in the Succession Act, 1965 and you can read more about the requirements … Read more

How (and Why) To Make A Valid Will in Ireland

There are a number of important reasons why you should make a will in Ireland. This piece will look at why you need to make a will, what are the requirements for a valid will, what a will should contain, some common mistakes made in drafting wills, what legal recourse has an unhappy child if (s)he feels … Read more