How to Obtain an Auctioneer’s Licence in Ireland

The Auctioneers and House Agents Act, 1947 and District Court rules (Order 63) makes provision for the granting of an auctioneer’s licence.

(However since May, 2012 there has been a significant change in this area with the new body, the Property Services Regulatory Authority coming into effect. Visit their website here for details of how to apply for, and renew, a property services licence.)

It is worth noting that regardless of when an auctioneer’s licence is obtained it will expire on the 5th of July each year.

The application for the licence itself is made to the Revenue Commissioners and must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • A certificate of qualification granted not more than 28 days before the application for the licence.

This must be obtained in the District Court. Notice of this application must be served on the Superintendent of the Garda Siochana of the area of intended business at least 28 days before the Court application.

Notice of this application must also be advertised in a newspaper in the Court area where the applicant intends carrying on the business. A Garda Siochana, not below the rank of inspector, can object to the granting of the certificate of qualification on a number of grounds.

When making the application to the District Court for the certificate you will also need a Certificate from your accountant stating that you have complied with the requirements of the Auctioneers and House Agents Act 1967 concerning keeping proper books of account.

  • A certificate of deposit from the Accountant of the Courts of Justice which involves a guarantee bond (issued by a licensed assurance company) or cash deposit in the sum of €12,700-again granted not  more than 28 days before the application;
  • A cheque for excise duty for €250;
  • A tax clearance certificate.

This is essentially how you obtain an auctioneer’s licence; if you need any assistance with any of the above don’t hesitate to contact us.

Update May 2012

There have been significant changes from May 2012 since the coming into effect of the Property Services Regulatory Authority. Read this article on how to become a licensed property services provider.