Court of Appeal Slashes High Court Award of €76,000 to €41,000 in Soft Tissue Injury Case

The High Court of Appeal was asked to consider the awarding of €76,000 by the High Court at Dundalk to the injured party in a straightforward soft tissue injury case arising from a road traffic accident. The High Court had awarded €70,000 for the injuries with €6,000 for special damages. The general damages were broken … Read more

Rescuer at Road Traffic Accident Awarded €85,000 For Post-Traumatic Stress

The High Court in a 2020 decision, Sheehan v Bus Eireann/Irish Bus & Anor ([2020] IEHC 160), has awarded damages to a lady who came upon an accident and suffered post traumatic stress as a consequence of her actions in trying to assist. The test for psychological/psychiatric injury cases, also known as ‘nervous shock’, in … Read more

Trends in Personal Injury Law in Ireland in 2019

There has been a vigorous debate in Ireland over the last 12 months or so about insurance, the cost of insurance, personal injury claims, bogus claims, excessive awards from the Courts, small businesses struggling to afford rising insurance premiums, and so on. The Courts appear to be showing a greater enthusiasm to scrutinise personal injury … Read more

Fraudulent and Exaggerated Personal Injury Claims Dismissed by the High Court

Courts appear to be scrutinising personal injury claims more closely in a climate of widespread scepticism about the personal injury culture in Ireland. Evidence of this can be seen in the High Court decision in an appeal from the Circuit Court in O’Connell -v- Martin; Ali -v- Martin [2019] IEHC 571. The High Court held … Read more