Registration of Ownership of Property Based on Adverse Possession/Squatter’s Title-the Basics

Have you lived in a property for a considerable period of time and now want to be registered as owner of that property with the Property Registration Authority? Adverse Possession/Squatter’s Rights One way to do this is by “adverse possession/squatters rights”. Section 13 of the Statute of Limitations act, 1957 provides that no action to … Read more

Setting Up a Will Trust in Ireland-The Facts You Should Know

Trusts are incredibly useful legal devices which are typically used to Ensure property is enjoyed by individuals in succession Provide for beneficiaries whose identity may not yet be known. Trusts can be broadly categorised into Inter vivos (during the lifetime) trusts and Will trusts. Will Trusts The focus of this piece will be on will … Read more

Spouses’ Rights under the Succession Act, 1965

The Succession Act, 1965 protects surviving spouses of deceased persons by affording considerable protection as the Act restricts the right of the testator to leave his/her property to whoever he/she wishes. Section 111 of the Succession Act, 1965 states: 111.—(1) If the testator leaves a spouse and no children, the spouse shall have a right to … Read more

Making a Will in Ireland-6 Critical Reasons to Make a Will

Making a will in Ireland is a seemingly straightforward task. But it can go disastrously wrong and open up a can of worms for those left behind if not done properly. The requirements for a valid will in Ireland are set out in the Succession Act, 1965 and you can read more about the requirements … Read more