The Private Residential Tenancies Board-PRTB


What is the tenancy registration system?

It is a requirement on all landlords to register details of their tenancies within one month of their commencement on form PRTB1 available from PRTB.

The information on the register will be used to provide aggregate data on the private rented sector. Personal details such as the tenant name, landlord name, rent, etc. will not be made public. (See also residential letting agreements in Ireland-an overview)

Tenancy Registration Fees

Fee Payable

€90 Per tenancy being registered on time i.e. within 1 month after the commencement of the tenancy.

€375 for multiple tenancies in the one building being registered at the same time and all on time (i.e. within one month of the commencement of the respective tenancies) by the one landlord (please staple the multiple forms together).

€180 (Late Fee)

In all circumstances where the tenancy is being registered more than 1 month after the commencement of the tenancy, an additional fee of €90 is payable for these late registrations (i.e. the total fee is €180 per tenancy). There are no exceptions to the late fee and the composite fee is not available to late registrations of multiple tenancies within the one building.

No Fee

Where 2 payments in respect of the dwelling have been made to the Private Residential Tenancies Board in the previous 12 months.

No Fee

* The Residential Tenancies Act 2004 does not allow for any exemptions from the requirement to pay the late fee in any case. As such the PRTB has no power to waive the late fee in any case regardless of the circumstances or the reasons for the delay.

Why does the form ask for the PPS numbers and other details?

The PPSN is the State identification number for dealings with public sector bodies. It will act as the unique tenant and landlord identification number on the registration record. Most of the other details are required as a record of the tenancy in case disputes arise or so as to gather aggregated data on the sector. Certain contact details are also requested. This is necessary as the registration application must be made within one month of the commencement of the tenancy and, if later, the landlord will have to pay a double fee (currently €180).

What dwellings are exempt from the tenancy registration system?

  • Business premises, even where partly residential
  • A dwelling to which Part II of the Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Act 1982 applies (i.e. formerly rent controlled dwelling occupied by the “original tenant” or his/her spouse) or to which Part II of the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1980 applies (i.e. long occupation equity lease tenancies)
  • A dwelling let by a local authority or voluntary housing body
  • A dwelling occupied under a shared ownership lease
  • A holiday let
  • A dwelling in which the landlord is also resident
  • A dwelling in which the spouse, parent or child of the landlord is resident and there is no written lease or tenancy agreement
  • A dwelling that is occupied rent free

If a dwelling is available for renting but has not yet been let, there is no requirement to register.

Will the PRTB provide confirmation of exemption from the tenancy registration system ?

No, the PRTB will not routinely provide for individuals confirmation of exemptions from the tenancy registration system.

What happens if I don’t register?

Until such time as a tenancy has been entered onto the PRTB’s register of tenancies, the PRTB is precluded from dealing with any dispute relating to the tenancy that may be referred to it by the landlord. The registration requirement applies only to ongoing tenancies so it is important that the registration process be completed as quickly as possible in case any difficulties arise in relation to the tenancy.

What is the PRTB doing about unregistered landlords?

The steps being taken by the PRTB to pursue compliance with the registration requirement are in accordance with the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 and, in particular, sections 144 and 145.

They include the issue of notices to landlords and/or occupiers of the dwellings in question, and the prosecution of offenders for non-compliance with the registration requirement. Details of these notices are set out below.

Landlord 1st Notice – section 144(2)

Where the landlord’s address is available to the PRTB, a notice is served on the landlord stating that in the PRTB’s opinion there is a tenancy in the dwelling in question that requires to be registered and that an application for registration must be made. The notice requests the landlord to furnish within 14 days the reasons why the landlord may consider that they do not have to register.

Landlord 2nd Notice – section 144(3)

Where the landlord fails to respond to the 1st notice, within the 14 day period or a response was received within the 14 day period which did not result in the PRTB changing their opinion on the registration requirement applying, a notice is served on the landlord stating that the landlord is required to register within 14 days and failure to register within this timeframe will result in the landlord being guilty of an offence under the Residential Tenancies Act 2004.

Occupier’s Notice – section 145(4)

Where the landlord’s name or address is not supplied, a notice is served on the occupiers requiring them to supply within 14 days any information in their possession that could lead to the PRTB ascertaining the identity of the landlord or of his/her address. That notice also states that failure to respond within the 14 days will result in the occupier being guilty of an offence under the Residential Tenancies Act.

What happens if a landlord or occupier does not comply with the PRTB’s notices about not registering?

If the landlords and occupiers fail to comply with the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 as outlined above, the PRTB will exercise the power open to it under the Act in relation to prosecutions.

However this process may take time as in order to maximise success and effective enforcement, it is essential that the information available to the PRTB is accurate and that the PRTB operates in accordance with the appropriate procedures. This is because the successful conviction of the landlord or tenants of criminal offences under sections 144 or 145 respectively requires a high standard of proof and a correct name and address is vital to this process.

Are landlords eligible for tax relief on interest paid on borrowing to purchase investment properties?

Landlords should be aware that the Finance Acts have been amended to explicitly provide that compliance with the registration provisions contained in the Residential Tenancies Act registration provisions is a condition of eligibility for mortgage interest relief on residential properties. It is a matter for individuals to satisfy themselves that they are in compliance with the Residential Tenancies Act.

The PRTB will not routinely provide letters confirming exemption from the Act. The PRTB propose to supply the Revenue Commissioners with information on unregistered tenancies of which it becomes aware so that, as well as facing criminal prosecution, the landlords in question will lose any mortgage interest relief relating to the dwelling.

What do I do if my tenant leaves my rented property?

If your tenant(s) leaves the rented property then it is deemed to be the end of the tenancy. You will need to register with the PRTB the new tenancy within one month of the new tenants moving in.

If at least one of the tenants remain in the rented property and the other tenants are replaced by new tenants, then this would be considered an update of the tenancy details.

If there is a change of rent you are required to notify the PRTB and when doing so, you are required to advise of any other change of the tenancy details that have arisen in the interim – no fee is payable when providing an update of tenancy details. The tenancy registration form, which is downloadable from this website, can be used for this purpose also.

I lease my property to a management company who in turn rent out the property to individual tenants; I have no relationship with the tenants of the management company. Do I need to register?

In the above scenario there are two actual tenancies and they both need to be registered. Under the RTA, the landlord is legally obliged to register the tenancy where the dwelling is leased to the management company and the management company is legally obliged to register the tenancy with the individual tenant(s). Each tenancy will then have a unique RT number assigned to it.

The above applies in all arrangements where the dwelling is sublet and is ultimately a residential dwelling other than for those dwellings excluded in Article 3 of the RTA (a list of excluded dwellings)

What happens if I change the Rent?

The landlord must inform the Board of a change in the rent payable in respect of a dwelling within one month of the change occurring.

What happens if one of the tenants moves out and is replaced by a new tenant?

Landlords should at the same time notify the Board of any other change to the registered tenancy details e.g. a replacement tenant. No fee is payable for informing the Board of these changes.

What is duration of the registration?

Once a tenancy is registered it remains a registered tenancy for as long as the tenancy remains in existence. Once the tenancy is terminated, any new tenancy created in respect of the dwelling must be registered with the Board.

Why am I being asked to Re-register my tenancy?

Under the provisions of Part 4 of the Act if the tenancy has not previously been terminated it will be deemed to be terminated when it has lasted 4 years and a new tenancy will then commence between the parties. This new tenancy must be registered with the Board and the registration fee paid.

What do I do if the dwelling ceases to be let?

If the dwelling ceases to be let, the Board should be notified so that the record can be removed from the register – no refund of the registration fee is payable in such circumstances.

Enforcement of registration requirements

The registration of a tenancy is a legal requirement on the landlord. Landlords failing to register a tenancy may be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable for a fine of up to €3,000 and/or up to 6 months in prison, along with a daily fine of €250 for a continuing offence.

What is the published register?

The Board maintains a published register, which is available for public inspection at the Board’s office. However, the published register will not contain any information that could lead to the disclosure of the identity of the landlord or tenant(s) or the rent payable.