Can you buy a house at auction with a mortgage?

“Can you buy a house at auction with a mortgage” is a question I am asked from time to time. The short answer is ‘yes’. The long answer, however, is more nuanced and requires some explanation. There is nothing in principle why a lender would not provide a mortgage for a property at auction. It … Read more

Rights of way and easements-time is running out with 30th November 2021 deadline looming

Time is fast running out for the registration of rights of way arising from prescription-that is, by reason of long use. As the law stands you have up to 30th November 2021 to register your prescriptive easement with the Property Registration Authority. This is the section 49A procedure and is intended for the situation where … Read more

Entering into a commercial lease? Don’t make this stupid mistake

I have been taken aback by the level of naivety I have recently encountered regarding commercial leases. Small business owners, entrepreneurs, solo business owners. All these individuals I would expect to approach any commercial transaction with a good degree of caution. And scepticism. With a healthy reluctance to accept promises and statements made as part … Read more

Does the Charter of Fundamental Rights give you a right to post material anonymously on the internet? Limerick school v Instagram

Are you entitled to exercise your freedom of expression right anonymously? This is one of the fascinating questions that the Justice Garrett Simons of the High Court is to send to the European Court of Justice for a determination. This question, along with others set out below, arise from a High Court application by a … Read more