The Norwich Pharmacal Order-an Important Weapon Against Online Trolls

Have you ever been abused online? Repeatedly abuses by an online troll? At some point you may have to consider getting a Norwich Pharmacal Order. A Norwich Pharmacal order is an equitable relief that a Court can grant to force the respondent-for example a social media website platform-to disclose certain information to the applicant. It … Read more

Defamatory or Illegal Content on Social Media Sites Can Be Removed Worldwide-ECJ Decision in Facebook Ireland Case

Do you think the social media sites do enough when it comes to the offensive material that is published on their platforms? Do Facebook and Twitter, for example, act swiftly (or at all) to remove the hate speech and racist stuff that is on full view courtesy of various keyboard warriors hiding behind fake names … Read more

Defamation Law in Ireland-What You Should Know

Everyone is entitled to their good name and reputation. Our constitution, Bunreacht na hEireann, recognises this in article 40.3.2. And our statute books recognises this right, too. For defamation is now a statutory tort-that is a civil wrong. It is defined in section 6, Defamation Act, 2009 as 2) The tort of defamation consists of … Read more