Tag: rights commissioner

  • Employment Law Breaches-Irish Forums for Redress of Employment Rights

    There is a wide number of forums available for employees to seek to have their employment rights upheld and vindicated. These include • The Rights Commissioner service • The Employment Appeals Tribunal • The Labour Court • The Labour Relations Commission • The Equality Tribunal • The Courts • The Health and Safety Authority •…

  • Payment of Wages in Ireland-Payment of Wages Act 1991

    The payment of wages in the employment contract is governed by the Payment of Wages Act, 1991 and this piece of legislation stipulates that wages be paid by cheque, cash, draft, credit transfer and postal order. Written Statement of Wages and Deductions The employer is obliged to provide a written statement of wages and deductions…

  • Unfair Dismissals In Ireland-a Financial Landmine for Employers?

    Unfair dismissal in Ireland is governed by the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977-2007 and two points/fundamental principles need to be made clear about this legislation at the outset- 1. an employer must have substantial grounds for dismissing an employee2. in doing so the employer must apply fair procedures to the process. The Unfair Dismissals Act covers…